I have downloaded some already but they didn't work however I can't remember where they are from so if you give me the link of them I will just let you know. October 2011 in The Sims 3 Sims and Modeling I'm trying to make a story - if I can get Create a Story to work that is - and I want wrist scars.

As an avid writer, I often make my characters on the Sims. It consisted of three separate tattoos, two for the arms (bloody cuts and healed scars) and one set of fresh cuts on the thighs. However, I had s set of Self Harm Scars from Tumblr user Deca圜lownSims. Something that has been rising in popularity in the mod market allows you to give your Sim traits related to mental illness. For simmers everywhere, making the perfect Sim is always fun – you get to customise appearance, voice, personality, clothing, and aspirations, all of which will affect the way your Sims behave. The teenage sim I've got right now is basically supposed to be a really depressed teenager, so I'd like it if that was an option, just in case I decide to have that happen. Honestly, I want a suicide mod, just so that I can make it so sims can be depressed. A lot of people are saying that this is a weird request.